Posted on: March 23rd 2023

Battlefields Trip to Belgium

On Saturday, 18th March, 91 students from Years 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 plus 10 members of staff visited Ypres and some of the key sites in Belgium associated with World War 1. 

We began our visit at the In Flanders Field Museum in the Cloth Hall in Ypres. This was followed by a tour of Essex Farm, Langemark and Tyne Cot. Our day was completed by attending the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate at which a wreath was laid by 3 students on behalf of our School. 

Ms St John


The Battlefields Trip to Belgium offered an invaluable chance to return to the great sacrifice of World War 1 and to reaffirm the importance of championing the peace that those soldiers gave their lives for. The Menin Gate was a powerful introduction, showing how even as we immortalise the lives that were lost through incredible monuments, the tragic story that lies behind each name never leaves us. The In Flanders Field Museum provided context to all that took place during the War and gave an insight into the ways it affected different people and societies. Visiting the cemeteries, from all sides of the battle, gave a visual impression of the sheer scope of the loss of life and presented the painful reality that some were lost to history, known only unto God. The Last Post ceremony completed a day of remembrance and reflection and amidst our gratitude, we were reminded to never take peace for granted.

Ilyan and Daisy, Year 13




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