
Admissions September 2025


Admission Process

If you live in the Surrey County Council Admission Area

Complete the on-line application form (or the paper application form issued to you by Surrey County Council) listing all the schools you wish to put as a preference and submit the application to Surrey County Council. Thursday, 31st October 2024 is the final deadline for submission. All applications received after the 31st will be dealt with as late applications.

If you live in another Borough’s Admission Area

Complete the on-line application form (or the paper application form issued to you by your county council) listing all the schools you wish to put as a preference and submit the application to your local council. You are able to apply for schools that are out of your borough. Thursday, 31st October 2024 is the final deadline for submission. All applications received after the 31st will be dealt with as late applications.

Important Information: All Applicants

It is important that you read The Bishop Wand School’s Admissions Criteria for 2025 If you are applying under criterion 2a, 2b, 4, 5a, 6a, 6b, or 7a you must also complete the Supplementary Information Form (see link below). The Supplementary Information Form is to be returned to:

Admissions Officer
The Bishop Wand C of E School
Laytons Lane
Sunbury on Thames
TW16 6LT

The deadline submitting a Supplementary Information Form to the School is Thursday, 31st October 2024. 

We recommend that Supplementary Forms are sent to the School by recorded delivery if applicants wish to have a receipt, as no acknowledgement of receipt will be issued unless specifically requested.

Admissions Criteria

In determining admission to the School, the Governing Body will use the following process:   

  1. Applicants applying under Criterion 2(a) and (b), Criterion 5(a), Criterion 6(a) and (b) and Criterion 7(a) will need to complete a Supplementary Information Form and submit to the School as part of the application process. The supplementary Information Form can be downloaded by clicking here or by contacting the School directly for a paper copy.


  1. Applicants applying under Criterion 4 will need to complete a Staff Supplementary Information Form and submit to the School as part of the application process.  The form can be downloaded by clicking here or by contacting the School directly for a paper copy.


  1. If there are fewer places than applicants in Criterion 2 to 7 those living nearest to the School will be given priority. The distance is measured in a straight line from the address point of the child’s home, as set by Ordnance Survey, to the nearest official school gate for pupils to use. This is calculated using the Admission and Transport Team’s Geographical Information System. Where two or more applicants share priority for a place, e.g. where two applicants live equidistant from the School, Governors will draw lots to determine which applicant should be given priority.  


  1. In the event that during the period specified for attendance at worship the church or, in relation to those of other faiths relevant place of worship, has been closed for public worship and has not provided alternative premises for that worship, the requirements of these (admissions) arrangements in relation to attendance will only apply to the period when the church or in relation to those of other faiths, relevant place of worship or alternative premises have been available for public worship.


Twins, Triplets or Children from other Multiple Births   

If an application is received for a child who is one of twins, triplets or multiple births, Governors will draw lots to determine which child should be given priority. If twins, triplets and so on are at the top of the waiting list and only one place is available, the other sibling(s) will remain at the top of the waiting list until they can be offered a place, even if another child moves into the area with a higher priority in Criterion 2. Please note that in all circumstances applications in respect of Looked after Children and Previously Looked after Children will take absolute priority.   

Waiting List   

A waiting list of unsuccessful applicants will be compiled and ranked according to the published criteria. This waiting list will be dissolved at the end of the Summer Term following the September entry to which this list applies.   

Late Applications

For secondary school transfer from primary school into Year 7, applications received after the published closing date will be considered in accordance with the home Local Authority’s Co-ordinated Admission Scheme.   

Out of Year Admissions 

Applicants may choose to seek a place outside their child’s chronological (correct) year group. Decisions will be made on the basis of the circumstances of each case and what is in the best interests of the child concerned.  

  1. Applicants who are applying for their child to have a decelerated entry to school, i.e. to start later than other children in their chronological age group, should initially apply for a school place in accordance with the deadlines that apply for their child’s chronological age. If, in liaison with the Headteacher, governors agree for the child to have a decelerated entry to the school the place cannot be deferred and instead the applicant will be invited to apply again in the following year for the decelerated cohort. 
  1. Applicants who are applying for their child to have an accelerated entry to school, i.e. to start earlier than other children in their chronological age group, must initially apply for a school place at the same time that other families are applying for that cohort. If, in liaison with the Headteacher, governors agree for the child to have an accelerated entry to the school, the application will be processed. If it is not agreed for the child to have an accelerated entry to the school, the applicant will be invited to apply again in the following year for the correct cohort. 

Applicants must state clearly why they feel admission to a different year group is in the child's best interest and provide what evidence they have to support this. More information on educating children out of their chronological year group and the process for making such requests is available at  

Right of Appeal   

If the applicant does not receive the offer of a place at the School there is a right of appeal to the Independent Appeal Committee details of which can be obtained from the School or the Surrey County Council Appeals Service.   

Admissions Criteria – September 2025

The Governing Body has responsibility for admissions at the School and in the academic year beginning September 2025, 210 students will be admitted to Year 7. In the event that the School receives more applications than the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in numerical order and by order of the sub sections within the criteria.    

Please note that children with an Education Health Care Plan naming The Bishop Wand Church of England School are automatically entitled to a place at our School.   

Criterion 1  Looked after and Previously Looked after Children   

Children who are in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by a local authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 e.g. fostered or living in a children’s home, at the time of application; and Children who have previously been in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by a local authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and who have left that care through adoption, a child arrangements order (in accordance with Section 8 of the Children Act 1989 and as amended by the Children and Families Act 2014) or special guardianship order (in accordance with Section 14A of the Children Act 1989) and children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.  A child will be regarded as having been in state care outside of England if they were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation or any other provider of care whose sole purpose is to benefit society.  The parent/carer will need to provide evidence to demonstrate that the child was in state care outside of England and left that care as a result of being adopted. 

Criterion 2  Christian Foundation places for children who live within the Catchment   

(2A) Children of practising members of an Anglican church. ‘Practising’ to be evidenced by at least 1 parent/ carer with parental responsibility and/or child, who is a worshipping member of an Anglican Church community at least monthly for a continuous period of 12 months prior to application as agreed by the priest or minister.   

(2B) Children of practising members of other Christian churches. ‘Practising’ to be evidenced by at least 1 parent/carer with parental responsibility and/or child, who is a worshipping member of a Christian community at least monthly for a continuous period of 12 months prior to application as agreed by the priest or minister. Other Christian churches are defined by those who belong to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, The Evangelical Alliance and affiliated to Affinity.              

Criterion 3  The applicant has siblings who are still on roll at the School at the time of application   

A sibling will be considered to be a brother or sister (that is, another child of the same parents, whether living at the same address or not), a half-brother or half-sister or a step-brother or step-sister or an adoptive or foster sibling, living at the same address.   

Criterion 4  Children of Staff at the School 

The child/children of a member of staff, which is a person who has a contract of employment with the School for two or more years at the time of application, and/or is a member of staff recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage at the time of application. The child/children shall include a step-child, adoptive or foster child living at the same address.  

Criterion 5  Community places for children who live within the Catchment   

(5A)Children of practising members of other World faiths. ‘Practising’ to be evidenced by at least 1 parent/carer with parental responsibility and/or child who is a worshipping member of the faith community at least monthly for a continuous period of 12 months prior to application as agreed by the faith leader.  Other World faiths are defined as Bahai, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism.  

(5B) Any other applicant who lives within the catchment. 

Criterion 6  Christian Foundation places for children who live outside the Catchment    

(6A)Children of practising members of an Anglican church. ‘Practising’ to be evidenced by at least 1 parent/ carer with parental responsibility and/or child, who is a worshipping member of an Anglican church community at least monthly for a continuous period of 12 months prior to application as agreed by the priest or minister.   

(6B)Children of practising members of other Christian churches. ‘Practising’ to be evidenced by at least 1 parent/carer with parental responsibility and/or child, who is a worshipping member of a Christian community at least monthly for a continuous period of 12 months prior to application as agreed by the priest or minister. Other Christian churches are defined by those who belong to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, The Evangelical Alliance and affiliated to Affinity.      

Criterion 7  Community places for children who live outside the Catchment   

(7A)Children of practising members of other World faiths. ‘Practising’ to be evidenced by at least 1 parent/carer with parental responsibility and or child who is a worshipping member of the faith community at least monthly for a continuous period of 12 months prior to application as agreed by the faith leader.  Other World faiths are defined as Bahai, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism.  

(7B) Any other applicant who lives outside the catchment.   

Catchment Area  : The catchment area is defined as;

  • Borough of Spelthorne  
  • London Borough of Richmond (north of the Thames) 
  • Feltham, Hanworth and Bedfont parishes in the London Borough of Hounslow.   

If at any time you have any questions or require clarification regarding admission to our School, please contact:

Admissions Officer
Tel: 01932 778637


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