Posted on: August 25th 2016

Outstanding Results continue at Bishop Wand

Students, staff and parents at The Bishop Wand Church of England School are celebrating following the release of an excellent set of examination results that highlight the outstanding achievement and progress attained by their Year 11 students.

The figures demonstrate a continued and sustained level of high achievement with headline figures for achievement and progress well above National results.

The Headteacher, Mr Daniel Aldridge, said: “I am overwhelmed by the number of outstanding individual results achieved today.

For many students they have exceeded their own expectations and this is testament to their hard work and determination.

While school headline measures may have changed, our students will be leaving Bishop Wand with the qualifications they need to take up Sixth Form places and move on to the next step in their careers.

Initial headline figures at The Bishop Wand School are as follows:

77% 5 GCSE A* - C overall pass rate

67% 5 GCSE A* - C (including both English and Maths)

45% of grades being A* to B grade

18% of grades were A* or A,

New Measures indicate

A progress 8 score of +0.29

English Threshold score of 72.29

An attainment 8 score of 5.22 C

A few examples of our students who achieved an exceptional set of GCSE results were:

Dominic Lunniss     9A* and 2A grades

Cathy Jameson        9A* and 2A grades

Clayton Meyer          6A*, 3A and 2B grades

Tiff Parsons              5A* and 6A grades

Stephanie Mends    2A*, 8A and 1B grade

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One week earlier our School was celebrating success again with outstanding A Level Results:

Students have achieved outstanding academic outcomes at The Bishop Wand Church of England Sixth Form and are celebrating their success following the release of some excellent A Level examination results.  With 44% of all grades falling in the A*-B category an 11% increase on last year this is an excellent year for the students and staff at the Bishop Wand Church of England School

The Headteacher, Mr Daniel Aldridge, welcomed the results and said: “I am thrilled by these results and the achievements of the students at the school. To achieve this number of A*-B grade is no accident and is down to the high quality of teaching and learning and the dedication of every student and teacher at the school.

Ellie Chipps is the first student in my time as Headteacher of the school to achieve a place at Cambridge and I would like to congratulate her on her achievement. She is a role model to so many of our aspiring academics and I am sure will inspire future students to follow in her footsteps.

I am extremely proud of all our student’s results and the university places they have achieved and credit should be given to all our students as well as the teaching and support staff who worked with the students over the course of the last two years. I wish all our students every success in the future”.


Miss Rook Head of Sixth Form 

I am over the moon with these results!

They represent the months of hard work that students have put in supported by their parents and teachers; Universities and employers will be lucky to have this group of inspiring young people.

Headline Figures

44% A*-B grades (up 11% on last year)

98% pass rate

94% leaving with 3 A Level passes


Individual Highlights


Chipps Ellie

A* A* A Plus an A* in the Extended Project

Reading Human, Social and Political Sciences at Cambridge University

Burgess Maddy

A* A* A

Reading Politics at Surrey University

Peacock Angharad

A* A* B

Reading English at Exeter University

Duncan Sean

A* A B


Mensah Daniel

A* A B

Reading Biomedical Sciences at Kent




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